

Dr. Tore Knos possesses an unusual background, which draws upon both the academic arena and the building trades. Dr. Tore Knos received a bachelor’s degree from the University of New Mexico (USA) with an emphasis on environmental studies and a Ph.D. from the University of Georgia (USA) in Public Administration. He has also taught plumbing at a vocational institute and construction management at the university level to both undergraduate and graduate students. Dr. Knos founded several solar companies in the 1970s and 1980s that manufactured, sold, and installed solar equipment. He also founded and ran a commercial and residential building inspection company for twenty-four years.

Since basic sanitation installations involve plumbing knowledge, Dr. Knos’ background in plumbing has been a useful tool in consulting and writing his book “A Sh*tty Little Book” on Urine Diverting Dehydrating Toilets (UDDT). He has been a master plumber and received certifications under the Uniform Plumbing Code (UBC), Southern Building Code Congress (SBCCI), and International Plumbing Code (IBC). He also qualified as a one and two-family housing inspector in construction, plumbing, electrical, and heating under the International Residential Code (IRC).

Currently he volunteers with the nonprofit group “Disaster Aid International”, sponsored by Rotary, to respond to international disasters and has been deployed to South Sudan, the Philippines, Malaysia, the Bahamas, and Dominica. Dr. Knos currently serves on the board of Disaster Aid USA.